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3 Ancient Remedies To Get Rid Of Migraines

Strong headaches are caused by excessive stimulation of nerve cells, which removes chemicals that inflame blood vessels in the brain. The easiest way to get rid of migraines is daily exercises. Working out is equally effective in preventing headaches as medications for this condition. The most recommended activities are cycling, running and swimming.

Get rid of headaches/ migraines with natural treatments

Lovage tea

Lovage tea is used since ancient time in the Middle East to treat headaches. Two or three cups of lovage tea consumed daily should get you rid of migraines.

Add 1 teaspoon of dry lovage leaves to 1 cup of water. Drink it hot.

Ginger, another plant with inflammatory effect, can be also administrated as tea. Boil a few pieces of ginger for 10 minutes to an immediate effect. Drink it hot.

Another great remedy to get rid of headaches is saline compresses. 

You need to dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt in 250 ml of hot water to obtain a saline solution. Wash your face, neck and ears with this solution then soak a cotton towel and squeeze it well, and cover with it your forehead, ears and neck. Leave it to act for 20 minutes while you’re lying down. You’ll see how this method, easily will remove the awful pain.

This remedy is recommended especially when headaches are caused by high blood pressure. Salty compresses have the reverse effect of eating salty.

And the last natural remedy to get rid of headaches is potato compresses.

You need 3 medium size raw potatoes. Wash the potatoes well and grate them unpeeled. Put the grated potatoes in a piece of gauze, and apply the compress on the painful area: forehead, the back of your head or on the temporal bone. Leave it to act for 20 minutes then remove it. You can do these applications 3 times a day with a pause of 30 minutes between them.


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